
Overcome obstacles that stand in the way of the life you want.

My mission is to help improve the quality of people’s lives by providing a therapeutic experience where you feel safe, understood, and validated.

While we work together, you will feel like two people talking; the conversation will not feel clinical and sterile in our sessions.

Our focus is on working through those things that have become obstacles to you and helping you get back to a life you want to live. In our work together, we will explore and discover those obstacles and use them to lead us to understand what life experiences have caused you to stay stuck in these cycles.

Our work together will enable you to discover more about yourself, what works for you, and regain a sense of control. We will create reconnection to develop a new way of being, allowing you to feel good about the life you’re living.

I want you to feel excited about yourself again! Together, we will define the life that you deserve and desire to have. Then, we will work toward helping you live a balanced life – one leading to your ideal self.

About Noelle

Varied experiences helped mold my approach to therapy.

Having cultural awareness is an important interest of mine. As a result, I sought a better understanding of cultural diversity by seeking a minor in Ethnic and Asian American Studies as part of my undergraduate studies.

Although my master’s degree is in Counseling and Psychotherapy, I selected a graduate program emphasizing “Cultural” awareness. Training in cultural awareness and diversity has made me a better therapist because it broadens my appreciation for how others see the world.

I also enjoy the arts based on many types of mediums. I have training in emphasizing and integrating art into treatments for stress, anxiety, and depression. I also incorporate art into treatments involving narrative therapy.

I am a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist credentialed through the Hypnosis Institute (2015) and did my final certification through the Wellness Institute (2021).

Helping people find balance is my goal.

After being in the field for several years, I noted that many adults share the same struggles, causing them to feel overwhelmed and stressed. These struggles create an imbalanced life where they feel like they have lost themselves.

I also experienced some of these feelings once I dived into the field and worked in a nonprofit. I became so invested in work that I forgot to prioritize the other essential things in life. After doing personal work in this area, I realized how important it was to achieve this balance.

I enjoy seeing when clients begin to look forward to therapy as they grow and learn about themselves. It’s beautiful to see them excited about their achievements and their progress as they accomplish their goals.

My life outside of therapy is fulfilling.

Having outdoor time, taking mindful walks, and engaging in other activities in nature are essential parts of stress management and being more balanced. Therefore, during my time off from therapy, I enjoy doing activities and being outdoors in nature.

Aside from outdoor activities, I enjoy all kinds of music, love sharing happy moments with family and friends, and pursue opportunities to learn more about other cultures.