Depression and Anxiety

You’ve lost yourself in a fog of depression.

Depression can rob you of connection – to yourself and others.

Experiencing depression can cause a lack of motivation, mood swings (from sadness to irritability to anger), feelings of hopelessness, and other negative feelings.

Episodes of depression can drive you to isolate yourself from loved ones, colleagues at work, and relationships with friends.

Feeling depressed makes you think that nothing will ever get better – causing you to stay stuck in the same old mindset.

Life is different from what you imagined or wanted.

When problems and challenges occur, these events can create anxiety, a familiar feeling during these times in our lives. However, persistent anxiety can become a huge obstacle in your life.

Anxiety causes you to worry, feel keyed up, and be physically activated, not in a good way. This type of anxiety causes you to avoid activities, interacting with others, and most things in life.

Experiencing anxiety that stays with you keeps you from getting back on track, causing you to feel overwhelmed.

When suffering from anxiety, you can begin to doubt your abilities, causing you to feel unworthy. And when trapped in a vicious state of anxiety, you may keep getting worse, despite your best efforts.

Stop trying to cope with your anxiety and depression – seek help!

You don’t have to keep suffering from depression and anxiety alone. With a collaborative counseling process – using CBT and narrative therapy – we’ll get you to a place where life is more manageable.

Our work together will help you reconnect with yourself, lessen your depression, build your self-esteem, and decrease your anxiety so you can experience more passion and peace in your life and relationships again.

Now is the time to start prioritizing yourself. Call me to schedule a 20-minute free consultation and take the first step on your path to a balanced life – one leading to joy and freedom.